Guatemala Civil War Photos
The following photographs are from the Guatemalan civil war that lasted for 37 years- from the 1960's into the 90's. These photos show the modal communities, which were essentially internment camps, children adrift in times of war, Nebaj, and May Day demonstrations. These photos are used with the permission of the Friends World Program of Long Island University.
To read the article that I wrote about the Guatemalan Civil War go to Guatemala 1980
To read the full interview that I did with a Guatemalan refugee in Costa Rica go to Interview with a Guatemalan Refugee

"There was this guy that studied architecture, and they just dragged him out of his house. You know, it was night time, they opened his door with an ax and just dragged him out in front of his family. There were also two guys on a public bus, and they just dragged them out and they were heard from never again. Guatemala at this point has more than 40,000 disappeared, and that was the way they disappeared. A van would pass by and you could be walking down the street and they would drag you into the back." From the interview with a Guatemalan Refugee

Wade from Vagabond
Heredia, Costa Rica
February 19, 2008
* Song of the Open Road Travel Blog * Vagabond Fieldnotes *
Heredia, Costa Rica
February 19, 2008
* Song of the Open Road Travel Blog * Vagabond Fieldnotes *
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