Copan Ruins Photos
Photographs from the Copan archaeology site. Copan was a Mayan city that grew out of the jungles of Central America aroun 500AD and lasted to the collaspe of the Mayan empire around five hundred years later. These photos are from the main cluster of Copan and show the famous hieroglyphic stairway, stellas, statues, stone carvings, Mayan texts, and Mayan art.
Photo of a Mayan hieroglyph at Copan.
Statue of a king of Copan. Copan is famous for its stone carvings that show deep relief.
Stone carvings of Mayan art at Copan.
Photo from on top of one of the main structures looking down at the area near the ballcourt.
The Mayan ballcourt.
Mayan stone carving at Copan.
Stellas at Copan Ruins, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The famous hieroglyphic stair way at Copan.
My archaeologist name tag.
Photo of a stone carving of a Copan king.
Photo of Copan Ruins.
Stone carving at Copan.
Song of the Open Road Archaeology posts
More information about Copan and Honduras Travel
Wade from Vagabond
Copan Ruinas, Honduras
March 13, 2008